A DUI conviction brings serious consequences. An attorney can help.

If you're facing criminal prosecution, a criminal defense attorney can help you

The best thing you can do to defend yourself is to hire an experienced DUI Attorney to assist you with navigating the DUI criminal process.

A DUI is a serious offense. It is a misdemeanor crime that carries up to six months in county jail, payment of large court fees and fines, as well as retribution to community.

You can start your case for as low as $500 down. Payments available

DUI Defense

en Espanol

No one wants to hire an attorney. But, if you have been arrested or cited by the police, you are innocent until proven guilty. 

I focus on DUI defense, and I am dedicated to doing everything possible to win your case.

If you have been accused of a DUI, consider these points:

Consult Legal Counsel Immediately

  • Typically, only $500.00 down will start your case. I pride myself on making legal fees affordable. Payment plans are available, and all major credit cards are accepted.
  • In many cases, you will not have to appear in court. This saves possible embarrassment and time lost from work.
  • You must contact the DMV Driver safety office within 10 days from the date of arrest to schedule a hearing to show why your license should not be suspended. Otherwise, there is a minimum four-month suspension.
  • If you took a blood test, it may be beneficial to have the blood sample retested. There are several labs used by the police. Some good, some not so good. We can force the prosecutor to give us a portion of the blood sample to be retested.
  • If you took a breath test, it may be beneficial to request the maintenance records to make sure the machine was working properly. We can force the prosecutor to give us those records.
  • Choosing the right attorney is one of the most important decisions you can make. An experienced DUI defense attorney will fight for you.
  • Hiring an attorney does not have to break the bank, the enclosed flyer has various options to make hiring an attorney affordable. Contact me for more information.

Please do not hesitate to call me. There is no obligation and free information is available. 

(559) 340-4529

In many instances, you have a constitutional right to allow your attorney to appear in court on your behalf. Generally, your public defender will require you to be in court at every hearing. Being able to avoid appearing in court will allow you to continue to go to work and take care of your family.  


Since a private attorney generally has a much smaller case load, they can tailor their representation to meet the needs of individual clients. We call our clients after every court appearance, are available to meet in-person, and we will go the extra mile to guide you through this difficult time.    


Some statistics estimate that California public defenders work over 1500 cases in a single year. Therefore, they may not have the time to properly investigate your case, file the motions that need to be filed, and ensure that their clients constitutional rights are protected.  


Why Hire an Attorney

Schedule a FREE consultation today!